Monday, March 9, 2009

New Template!!

I've got my blog a new template!!
It is just a simple template i chose from blogspot but i stil love its simplicity :)
thx for the suggestion, u know who i meant

guess who inspired me to get a new template for my blog..
she was mama :)
she told me that she couldnt read my blog, when click on my link and it appeared as a blank page.
I think that was because of my old blogskin from
I didnt know wats wrong with the blogskin but ting ern did complain before..
and I fail to read my blog when i use my desktop
hence, I decided to change the blogskin.

now, is the new blogskin already
wheeeee~!! I'm so happy!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Now, I can enjoy reading your blog, he....
