The journey to my MEMORABLE 20th birthday started from the day after our final exam, which is 17th of January :)
17th January 2011
We headed to Water Sport Villa in Puchong right after our final exam,
with my dearest AMA classmates…
The trip was AWESOME,
because I were surrounded with AWESOME lake view,
and accompanied by AWESOME classmates.
We jumped and shouted around when we reached the villa.
This is just soooo AWESOME!!!! LOL
Okay… I should just stop learning Jack the legend of our class. Hahaha..
Could’nt help it, miss his voice a lot !! HAHAHA
The interior design, the facilities (jaguzzi,sona,fish spa…), the games (water sport, wii…) , etc..
Okayy la… it was just a few of us .. the girls jumped and shouted around like a village girl. haha
When me, khai hern and chu wen went out to get some stuffs…..
They were planning to give me a surprise once I reached one… *warm*
Once I reached home, nobody was there…
I thought they started to BBQ at the garden behind…
So….I walked over there and …
TA-DAAAAA…………They scared me and a cake was in front of me already !
Eric asked:"why you didnt cry?” HAHA
Who knows I didnt cry worrrr…
I knew that chia chee, eu ern, jack, bong yang and chris
were busy preparing my card during exam period !!

They got me a journal with my name on top of it ! So sweet !
And they made this card for me with a long long funny story inside (created by AMA1)
Ohyaaaa…. Sean was really wusim,
He made me a card himself and gave it to me 5 mins before I left for Penang!
I really appreciate what you guys did for me !!

As usual, a group photo is a must for an event !
Too bad not everyone of my classmates could make it for the trip.
Lets have at least one before we graduate kay? All of us ……
22nd – 23rd January 2011
Went to watch “Great Day” with khai hern in First Avenue.
I knew that something is going on …
because I read the comment posted by chia chee.. haha
She said she is sorry because she can’t attend my party ..
He told me that nobody is gonna celebrate my birthday with me,
as nobody is in penang.
He told me that he didnt get any present for me,
because he is very busy with his new house stuffs…
So I believe him..
because I thought that he cancel the party already…
He suddenly told me that we were getting late !
Everyone is waiting for us !
He didnt want to continue with the surprise plan already. hahaha
I asked who?
He answered , “Yunying lo, I bought bus ticket for her!”
I was like , huh? seriously???
Once we reached Straits Quay,
he asked me to walk faster and searched for a shop called Fruuze.
Haha because he said he was afraid to get scolded! LOL
Finally we found the shop,
but nobody there… hmmm…
Suddenly, someone used her hand closed my eyes up,
I shouted and they told me everyone there was looking at me! HAHA
They wanted me to guess who was that,
Seriously, I thought she was Yunying ! Ohmygod ! haha
When I turned my head, I saw Yee Hoong, Yoong Liang, Guat Pheng, Yi Jun, Ee Leng, Woei Chyuan and Hanee.
Then I was looking at Ee Leng and shouted again , “WHY YOU CUT YOUR HAIR SHORT???? WHYYYYYY?????”
Oh my god, her hair is just as short as pcghs girls now :(
After 20 mins?
That Sai Ye arrived !!
She is so chubby and fair now, hahahaha
We kept saying her, like usual…
Girls’ talk. The 2 guys was very bored there ! LOL
Cake cutting ceremony started at 12am , 23rd January !! :):)
We talk, we eat, we take some pics,
And in order to finish up the cake after the shop closed,
we moved out and started to play a game I learned from Chu Wen.
Hahaha “Circle of Death”
And due to the punishment and the rules set by the KING (Sai Ye),
birthday girl ate A LOT of birthday cake !
Never mind la, I am earning karma by helping Sai Ye to eat,
to prevent her from getting chubbierrr… HAHHA :P

Thanks a lot !
Thanks for the angpao,
Thanks for the cake,
Thanks for the cheese tarts (this is yummmyy)
Thanks for the bag
Thanks for celebrating my birthday !! :):)
Thanks khai hern for the planning, and for the present.
I know that you are so busy, but you get me a present as well. love it
I am so so so so so happy !
23rd January 2011
Had breakfast with parents, er ge and er sao.
Headed to queensbay and met up da ge , dar sao and yu en.
Spent few hours doing some cny shopping there ! happy :)
What surprise me was er ge and er sao gave me birthday angpao :D
da ge and da sao also bought a BAG for me :)
Thank you :)
And, and and…
my family’s traditional..
Mummy will cook misua teng with eggs for the birthday boys or girls.
My mummy was soooo cute,
she purposely arranged the eggs and mushrooms into a face !!!!
That is my mummy … *love*
And what so funny is my camera detect the OBJECT as a FACE ! lol
Had a great family dinner
and this is my birthday !!!

Too bad,
the V & J not here with me…
MISS them so much…
and most of the gang not in penang yet…
I enjoyed my birthday,
no matter with my classmates,
or with the girls
or my family…
this will be the memorable one for me !
Once again,
Appreciate it