I got a shock of my life yesterday!!
my dear Jovy is backed and she gave me a BIG surprise!!
my dear Jovy is backed and she gave me a BIG surprise!!
Khai Hern asked me not to go back so faster after class,
he said his mum has got something to give me.
he said his mum has got something to give me.
I didnt suspect anything as his mum always cook delicious food for me =)
However, when I asked him what his mum is going to give me and he couldnt answer me.
Then he said he was just bluffing me!!
I got so mad when he told me that and I conteng his book!! haha
Ivy sms-ed me when I was on my way back.
She asked me to go ever her house as mama is going to give me something.
What a day hur,
everyone's mother is going to give me something!
Hence, I went over to Ivy's house after class.
I was looking around when I got into her house,
then she asked ,
"Why did you do so??"
"Why did you do so??"
I said,
"I was just looking for Jovy, maybe she wanna scare me off."
"I was just looking for Jovy, maybe she wanna scare me off."
nobody at home except Ivy.
Ivy and I started to talk and talk and talk,
Jovy pop out in front of me!!!!!!
and I scream and scream and scream!!!
can you imagine that?? haha
After that,
we planned to give vivian a surprise, so I called her to come over to Ivy's house.
The same reason - Mama has got something to give you!
and yeaaa. she was shock too!!!
we miss you so much, jovy.
you gave us a BIG BIG surprise!!

love this

Jovy is going to stay here for one month!!!
Too bad, vivian is going to persue her studies at UKM already.
She is leaving Pg on this coming saturday.
She is leaving Pg on this coming saturday.
I'm going to Rawang on this friday night too,
but coming back on sunday laa =)
GOOD LUCK, vivian!!!
we will miss you a lot one!!!
p/s: sorry hur khai hern, haha. your book cacat d XD