okayy, she looks like a boy boy in below pics
because of her clothes laaaa
she is a G-I-R-L , kay?
many ppl said she looks like a boy
to me, she's cute and adorable :)
when we ask her to sayang us,
she will kiss us
or she will give us a hug
sweeet leeeee.
when we ask her to knock our heads with her head,
she will just do it
and give us her signature smile
when we ask where is papa;
where is mummy;
where is yeye ; where is nai nai ; where is xiao gu,
she will look around to find us,
then give us a look that show
"see, i found you!!! keke"
she always make us laugh
thats why we sayang her a lot
till I gave her my RM5
she was holding it happily!!!

Luckily she didnt tear off my RM5 ,
where she used to tear off the papers we gave her

she is sleeping soundly in my room while i'm blogging here
she used up the whole queen size bed of mine
all the pillows around her so she can sleep well there
the last paper - Finance on this Saturday
I just cant wait for it !!!
I'm so confused with Finance now
A lot more to study !!!
Wish me LUCK , guys !!! =)
luck . luck . luck .