Happy Birthday , MUMMY !!
today (6/12) is my mummy's birthday and jovy arrived penang yesterday.
i overnight at her house yesterday and i supposed to learn how to bake a cake for my mummy
but, end up i was just standing there and looking at papa and the mixture XD
papa was the one who actually baked the butter cake er
and mama helped to pack up
it is really yummy !! thanks thanks thanks !!!!!!!
Jovy was following me backed to my house
and we gave mummy a surprise by bringing the cake into my house =D
sweet leeee , right ??
too bad i havent get the photo of cake cutting from jovy yet
will post it when i get it
After that, mummy and i went shopping !!
haha.. girls~
We had family dinner at a restaurant somewhere in Taman Pekaka
the food there was really nice and so everyone of us ate a lot =)
and of course, this year with my niece-Yu En. keke and my nephew-Yi Wei too (consider as my nephew la)
there are more fun during the dinner
we asked yi wei to sayang yu en but he was so so so so so shy errrr
haha and so quiet but my niece was so "talkative" there
she was really happy at that time
"sayang her laaaa!!"he was so shy
finally =) but he was not smiling . haha

Another surprise was waiting for my mummy
my brothers bought OSIM Max Relax for my mummy
nice le nice le...
we tried it out once she got it XD
of course, mummy was the first one to try

seeeee, how comfortable was she !!!!

and of course, MY turn !!!

lastly, my eldest bro. haha. if he saw this photo, he will kill me for sure XD
Happy Birthday Mummy once again !!
we loveee you mum !!!